"The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night."
From the humble beginnings in the year 1987 to standing tall today, as a prestigious name to reckon with, DAV Centenary Public School, Narela has transformed every challenge into an opportunity during its journey of 35 eventful years. Its team of committed stakeholders has been fulfilling the promise of educating and empowering young minds.
I sincerely appreciate and acknowledge the efforts of the members of the management, staff, parents and students in contributing whole heartedly to the growth and betterment of this esteemed institution.
DAVCPS, Narela is engaged in the task of enabling each child to discover his or her own individuality and special skills. We firmly believe that education is not about the subjects that are learnt in the school but the experience they gain. Taking into consideration the need of the hour, we arm our students with life skills to flourish in the 21st century and help them integrate it with values and ethics. Living up to the school motto, we strive to ensure that each child is sculpted in such a way which enables him/ her to soar high in the sky of fullfilment. I sincerely hope that as a united team, we shall continue to set benchmarks of excellence in all over future endeavours.